Tuesday, April 2, 2013


TheBreastCancerSiteThe WCFA has taken part in a petition that definitely needs all of our attention. ?The purpose for the petition is to ask the State?Insurance?Regulators to step in and stop the insurance companies from restricting access to mammograms.

In the petition that goes out, it reads as follows:


Dear National Association of Insurance Commissioners
President Roger A. Sevigny,
President-Elect Jane L. Cline,
& association members:

In spite of the recent controversy regarding whether routine mammograms should be given to women aged 40-49, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society, as well as countless other experts, agree that mammograms reduce the rate of death due to breast cancer by an average of fifteen percent.

We, your constituents, ask that you prevent recent USPSTF recommendations from being used to restrict access to mammograms for women.?Your decisions and legislation will help decide whether women in each state get to choose the best preventive care options with the help of their doctors, or insurance companies make that choice for them by not covering appropriate care.

Please make your own recommendations wisely. Do not allow insurance companies to restrict access to life-saving mammograms. Let patient and doctor decide what preventive care is appropriate and necessary.


Signature Reduced




Johnny Wayfer and the entire?West Coast Football Association Family



I am asking each and every one of you to please, please log on to this link: TheBreastCancerSite.com Petition for Mammograms?and complete this short petition that could very well save our loved ones lives.

Thank you all for your support!

Source: http://www.wcfanetwork.com/breast-cancer-awareness-petition-needs-our-support/

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